Thursday, November 18, 2010

hedwig in india..

india lagi...
pesal lately entry pasal india..
(ahhh, ade aku kesah)

lately ni di katakan kt india mengalami kepupusan burung hantu aka owl,
sebb kanak kanak kt negara tu dah ter influence dengan watak harry potter yang bela burung hantu,
yang di namakan HEDWIG...


bagi family kelas pertengahan yang mampu nak beli dan jugak upah orang untuk tangkap burung horror ni (illegally), diorang boleh melayan kereneh anak diorang untuk bela burung ni..
(seriyes dlu kecik2 aku takot ngn owl, sebb ingatkan dia berhantu)

and kanak2 ni pulak boleh la budget ada hedwig sendiri..
seriously this kids really into harry potter that much..
and they feel like they are wizard child i guess.. errkkkk..

and the decreasing of this population sangat merisaukan kerajaan india..

“There seems to be a strange fascination even among the urban middle classes for presenting their children with owls. There is an increase in people looking to purchase owls from illegal traders. These birds are being trapped and traded….,” says Indian Environment Minister, Jairam Ramesh.

thank god, kelas pertengahan je yg mampu nk beli kan anak diorang buku harry potter and harry potter's DVD..
klau smua orang mampu, mmg konfem habes owl kt negara tuh...

n luckily they just obsessed to own the owl, klau penyapu terbang tu pon diorang nk jugak,
mmg kaye kilang penyapu kat india..

aku pon gile obses ngn harry potter, terlompat mcm kera bile dapat buku last
"harry potter and the deathly hallows"..
(start collecting the books since 14)
to kanak2 india, korang tau x at the beginning of the last book tu (deathly hallows), hedwig tu mati???

konfem korang menangis menatap owl korang bile tengok "harry potter and the deathly hallows" 28 november ni...
or adekah korang akan bunuh owl korang supaye nampak sama ngn kejadian dlm movie tuh??

original article: here

klau aku mintak nk bela sekor kt parents aku konfem aku tido luar ngn burung tuh..
overinfluenced sgt...

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